Ph.D. Students
Ongoing (Idaho State University)
Topic: TBD
Ongoing (Idaho State University)
Topic: TBD
Graduated in 2022 (Lakehead University)
PhD Dissertation Title: Efficient Channel Allocation Schemes for Multi-band Relay Networks
Graduated in 2019 (Benha University)
PhD Dissertation Title: Multiple Access Techniques in Mobile Next Generation Networks
Currently: Assistant Professor at Benha University, Egypt.
Maha Gaber
Graduated in 2019 (Benha University)
PhD Dissertation Title: Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction Technique in 5G Communication Systems
Currently: Assistant Professor at Modern Academy for Engineering and Technology, Egypt.
Graduated in 2019 (Benha University)
PhD Dissertation Title: On Improving the Performance of the Smart Grid Communications
M.S. Students
Ongoing (Idaho State University)
Topic: TBD
Graduated in 2024 (Idaho State University)
Topic: Advanced Drone Detection: Countering Optical Camouflage Strategies Using Visual Detection Systems
Graduated in 2024 (Idaho State University)
Topic: Enhancing Epileptic Seizure Detection with Advanced Wavelet Transforms and Hybrid Deep Learning Models: A Comparative Study Using EEG and MEG Data
Graduated in 2024 (Idaho State University)
Topic: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Security and Quality of Service in Wireless Networks
Currently: Data Analyst at MITRE
Omnia Hashad
Graduated in 2022 (Benha University)
Topic: Resources Allocation in Device-to-Device Communications
Graduated in 2021 (Idaho State University)
Topic: Noise Reduction in MCG Signals Using Reservoir Computing for Cardiac Monitoring
Currently: Process Engineer, Intel, USA.
Sally Alaa El-Din Ali
Graduated in 2021 (Benha University)
Topic: Self-Learning Algorithm for Demand Response in Smart Grid
Rhana Elshishtawy
Graduated in 2020 (Benha University)
Master Thesis Title: Multichannel Spectrum Sensing Technique for Cognitive Radio Networks
Currently: Lecturer Assistant at 6th of October University, Egypt.
Graduated in 2019 (Benha University)
Master Thesis Title: Energy Conservation using Clustering Techniques for IoT Systems
Currently: Teaching Assistant at Modern University for Technology and Information (MTI), Egypt.
Graduated in 2018 (Benha University)
Master Thesis Title: Resource Management in 5G Heterogeneous Network using Software Defined Network
Currently: Assistant Professor at Augusta University, GA, USA
Graduated in 2018 (Benha University)
Master Thesis Title: Performance Enhancement of 5G Networks using Massive MIMO
Currently: Assistant Professor at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA
Graduated in 2017 (Benha University)
Master Thesis Title: Towards an Efficient and Secure Data Communication in Smart Grid
Currently: Assistant Professor at College of Charleston, SC, USA
Graduate Students Mentoring
2021-NOW: Amira Hashesh, PhD student, Benha University, Egypt
2021-NOW: Fatma Abdelmoniem, PhD student, Benha University, Egypt
2021-NOW: Gad Gad, MS student, Lakehead University, Canada
2021-NOW: Aya Farrag, MS student, Lakehead University, Canada
2021-NOW: Khaled Bedda, MS student, Lakehead University, Canada
2021-NOW: Ahmed Tarek, MS student Lakehead University, Canada
2019-NOW: Sherif Abdelfattah, PhD student, Tennessee Tech University, USA
2019-NOW: Mahmoud M. Badr, PhD student, Tennessee Tech University, USA
2019-2021: Mohamed I. Ibrahem, PhD graduate, Tennessee Tech University, USA
2019-2021: Sadman Sakib, MS graduate, Lakehead University, Canada
2019-2021: Tahrat Tazrin, MS graduate, Lakehead University, Canada
2019-2020: Ahmed Shafee, PhD student, Tennessee Tech University, USA
2019-2020: Wesam Al Amiri, MS graduate. Tennessee Tech University, USA
2016-2017: Ahmed M. Bakr, MS graduate, Benha University, Egypt
Senior Capstone Projects: Team Supervision
2017: Design and Development of Egyptian Universities Satellite 1 (EUS-1)
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University, Egypt
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University, Egypt
Mohamed Abozeid
Mohamed Ali Radwan
Samar Abdellatif
Shimaa Magdy
Shimaa Mohamed
Shimaa Ramadan
Shimaa Soltan
2017: Design and Development of Egyptian Universities Satellite 1 (EUS-1)
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University, Egypt
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University, Egypt
Ahmed Yehya
Ahmed Abdelhay
Ahmed Nader
2016: Vehicle Tracking System
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Misr International University (MIU), Egypt
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
Misr International University (MIU), Egypt
Ahmed Montasser Ramadan
Bassam Ahmed Hammam
Yasser Nour Ahmed
Ahmed Mohamed ElSayed Kormed
Mohamed Hossam Nagy
Mohamed Mohamed Samir
2016: Smart City
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University, Egypt
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University, Egypt
Asmaa Sayed Mohammed El-Mashtoly
Aya Adel Abd El Mnaem
Bassant Sherif Anwar Mohammed
Reem Fouad Mohammad Al-Feky
Sara Ahmed El_Sayed Saleh
2016: Wireless Power Transmission
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University, Egypt
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University, Egypt
Ghada Tarek Abbas
Rabaa Taha Sakr
Seham Abdelhakam Ghopashi
Taghreed Fathy Abdelhamid
Yasmine Mohamed Rashad
2016: Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University, Egypt
Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra,
Benha University, Egypt
Ahmed Mohamed Behairy
Aya Abdel-Moamen Mohamed
Azza Mahmoud Salama
Shimaa Mahmoud Mohamed
Student Competitions: Team Supervision
Robocon Egypt
Egyptian national competition in robotics for qualifying only one team to represent Egypt in the international Asia-Pacific Robot Contest (ABU ROBOCON).
2005: Badr Team (Best Design Award)
Benha University, Egypt
Participants: Mohamed Maghwery, Mahmoud Abd Elrahman, Amin Taha, Mohammad Abdelrahman, Mohamed Fathy, Sherief Bassiouny, Mohamed EL-Hagry, Rana Adel, and Zeinab Elkady.
2006: Badr Team (Special Award)
Benha University, Egypt
Participants: Mohamed Maghwery, Mahmoud Abd Elrahman, Amin Taha, Sherief Bassiouny, and Mohamed EL-Hagry